One sweet saturday evening, while ammi was cooking in the kitchen, ammi was saying out loud to baba things that needed to be bought the next day at TESCO. Ammi was going to make a shopping list later as there was so many things..
You overheard ammi & volunteered to write down the list of things. So you took ammi's little note book & your pencil, sat down & begun writing whatever ammi said. You never asked for any spellings whatsoever...
This is what the shopping list looks like:
Barag basah
min sewit
Barag kerin
bisukut oriyo
soso siram
soso tayi
susu marigol
sirial ammi
boto yaya
boto babi
makanan babi
buku yaya
habiyah zube
ph 5.5
2 in 1
pat ammi
babi puya sabun
ubat gigi
At the bottom of the list you wrote -masa da tamat
Maybe some day when you can read & write properly, you'll laugh your head off. Baba & ammi certainly did!
You light up our day darling
Thank you for helping ammi write down the list, ammi will keep that list forever..
It's so precious, your first ever shopping list...
love you to pieces...
Maaaaiiiiii!! panjangnyer list!.. ho3x..
Alahai comelnya. Yes, keep that shopping list, memang akan jadi satu momento yang amat sentimental. In fact, Kak Sara biar dia tulis banyak2...we regretted not having our old childhood diary with us (hilang masa pindah randah...huhu). But the little that we have (and any letter writing back then) really brings back a lot of memory. Good times.
haha..gelak sorang2 aku baca entry ko nih..yaya..yaya..ok la tu..ada semangat nak tolong danish pun sama..kalo tgk baby atau gamba baby..mesti sebutannya "agak menyeramkan" sket..babbbi..kadang2 bebbbi..huhuhu..
ala comelnye... yaya ke yg tulis ni? haha... simpan kak sara jgn x simpan,mesti jd kenangan tuk dia...
lawak toi..
kena simpan elok2 nih... nostalgia nanti.
pat ammi..hahaha :p
yaya's note really make my day today.. keep it up, yaya...
babi hehe..
aisyah 2,3 mggu lps pon x leh sebut baby, dia sebut babi! nasib skang dah ok hehe
kak sara, so cute... hugs and kisses for Yaya, Syaik and Waidi from aunty husna
so cute la anak-anak ni kan..
hahaha..nak tergelak saya baca.. part "layin-layin" tu yg agak dasyat bunyinyer tuh.. tp so sweetlah kak sara.
hehehe.. so cute la sara..
hahaha...serius tergelak baca ejaan yaya. cute2
soso tayi tu apa.sos thai eh.hihi
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