Yesterday 12th July was baba's 32nd birthday..We had a mini celebration at RFC (Radix Fried Chicken) Alor Star on sunday while we were there. It was nice wasn't it, just the 5 of us. Yaya and Syaik sang the b'day song for baba. We had a nice meal together and then we headed home to Penang..Oops sorry baba no pixs of you, you as the besday boy were busy taking pixs of us..nevermind..
"Happy Besday Baba!"
We Love You...
Today the 13th of July is Tokma's 51st besday.."Happy Besday Tokma!", we usually celebrate baba's and tokma's besday together..but as we are living a bit far now, ..maybe we'll have a belated besday party once we balik kampung ok boys..
To Baba: Happy besday abangku sayang..moga dgn peningkatan usia ni bertambahlah amal..Moga abg sentiasa happy dgn kami...moga abg study elok2, cepat2 abis dapat Dr, InsyaAllah..I love u soo much!!
To Tokma: Happy besday mama syg..semoga mama tabah menghadapi hari-hari mendatang..moga kita kekal keluarga bahagia selamanya InsyaAllah..I love u mama..
Miss u mama..

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happy birthday to both of them..
bes tak RFC? kt shah alam takde la..
wah kalo k sara x ckp, mmg x tahu pon tu RFC, mmg budget mcm fast food restaurant lain dah.
happy bday to abg alim and aunty fauziah!
ROSE- sedap jugalah..bawah HPA . ayam organic digunakan...setakat ni cuma ada kat sg petani, alor star dan perlis. InsyaAllah coming soon akan dibuka di bangi :)
OYIS-sekali tgk mcm KFC tp kaler oren, hihi
happy birthday ntk semua..
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