April 6, 2010

New Blogs

Dear boys,
As ammi is now crazy about entering online contests, ammi decided to create another blog just for contests/ giveaways and such, this blog is dedicated to all 3 of my heroes/owlets/boys....just visit http://threeowletsbercontest.blogspot.com. Remember boys, we're just having fun by entering all these contests, no harm done.......kalah sudah tentu, menang memang syok laa! ;-)

Also ammi wants to announce that three-h-corner are no longer operating, ammi's blogshop has moved to http://sayangsarabowtique.blogspot.com as it is easier for ammi to maintain all 3 blogs under one username. To ammi's friends, feel free to visit. Thank you...
Love u all......


Ummi Shira (AshAnas) said...

haha kak, shira pun br terfikir nk wat blog khas utk contest smata2, cm xsmpt buat je lg...

Rozy said...

wahh siap wat blog contest khas tu.. ni mesti nak masuk contest secara serius nih.. hehehhe

Ammi Sara said...

Shira n rozy- suka2 je..memang suka enter contest offline dulu2, byk kali gak la masuk majalah, dlm alam maya ni lg best coz syarat2 x susah sgt..:)

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

Kak Sara..semangatnya masuk contest kalau cam ni...

gudluck utk business.nnati saya p terjah ok...a